Introduction (CCI-EE)
CCI stands for Construction Classification International (CCI) and represents the construction classification system for the whole building lifecycle. The CCI classification framework is based on EN ISO 12006-2 and tables are divided into two key groups:
- CCI core tables (Built space, Construction complex, Construction entity, Construction element: Functional system, Technical system, Construction component – so called green tables in below image)
- CCI-EE local tables (all other tables, yellow/red cells in below image)
It is worth to mention that the CCI core tables do not yet capture the construction process / construction resource part, which is why the CCI-EE addition has been made. The contents of the CCI core tables are based on various EN IEC / ISO standards. The CCI-EE local tables are also based on various EN / ISO standards, but also on our local EVS standards, guidelines or proposed by the CCI-EE workgroup. Note that the CCI-EE tables will replace several EVS standards that have been used in isolation until now (e.g. EVS 807, EVS 885). Through their integration under CCI-EE, they have been adjusted to align with the Construction Result section and meant not to duplicate what is presented in other CCI-EE tables. In such cases, an integrated classification system solution is formed, which covers the whole lifecycle of construction.
- CCI core tables can be accessed from:
- CCI-EE tables (bilingual – Estonian/English) from:
In the following parts, we will see how CCI/CCI-EE can be implemented through various software applications that the construction sector uses in a wide variety of activities related to the building and covering the whole construction lifecycle. Examples are given for buildings as well as for infrastructure objects. It is important to emphasize that, regardless of the software used, we should use a uniform classification system, so that the information is both human and machine readable as aggregated information (or exported to open formats).
Note. Before starting to apply CCI-EE principles in software application, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the general principles of CCI / CCI-EE and the classification system on the Ehituskeskus website (including manuals/seminars), English guidelines are also given in downloadable MS Excel file: