
In terms of academic excellence I have been awarded with several honours. The full list is available from Estonian Research Information System (ERIS).

My professional CAD/BIM workflows training experience started as Autodesk Certified Instructor (active period 2006-2015), during which time I trained about 360 people in classroom trainings and created various training programs for vertical and horizontal BIM topics (Appendix C and D). Based on constant evaluation of Autodesk Certified Instructors by course participants my average yearly based training performance indicator (PI) was 91%. Yearly based, average performance scores are shown in the following image.

It should be noted that the portfolio of my various training programs was increased year by year (see Appendix C).

My professional software focus has not been tied to one area or as to say one software company portfolio. During my CAD/BIM career I have continued to develop my skills in hydraulics of pipe network. Continuous update of my e-courses, presentations at leading research conferences and participating at live e-courses to learn about new workflows by myself has gave me an insight and connection points how to combine and merge both of my interest areas into one complete package.

Good example of this where my knowledge of pipe network hydraulics and BIM experience are combined, is my efforts to create and freely distribute BIM content packs that are region specific and enhances workflows while creating design that reflects the true size of components and therefore helps to carry out virtual design and construction workflows more effectively (like clash detection analysis). At the moment three major content packs are available and downloadable from my website or directly from the software company website (Autodesk App Store). In overall (May 2021) those content packs have been downloaded 3000 times/each and from over 50 different countries. What is also great that those packages are downloaded and used by large and well-known construction companies (this information is based on email accounts that were used to download the content packs and may not reflect the real statistics).

Raido Puust