Construction Material Library for EU


To install Construction Material Library, run downloaded *.msi file to extract the content (default path: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\Construction Material Library for EU.bundle). Installation does not affect any registry settings, you are adding additional content (library) pack.

Note: As content is same in both languages, it is not needed to select both. The only difference is that material descriptions are in language you select, therefore it is easier to search some material. Otherwise those are equal. Also, in current version, Estonian version has a bit more description strings, meaning that you can carry out a bit deeper search.

After content installation, following content/files appear:

  • common / pics – some materials refer to texture files, therefore you need to point to this folder in a material definition.
  • ENG / Construction-Material-Library-for-EU_ENG.adsklib  – material library to be selected from Autodesk product (in our case we concentrate onto a Autodesk Revit). All main descriptions in English.
  • EST / Construction-Material-Library-for-EU_ESTadsklib  – material library to be selected from Autodesk product (in our case we concentrate onto a Autodesk Revit). All main descriptions in Estonian.
  • common / License.txt – license and contact info
  • common / License_EU_ENG.txt – license info that was shown during the installation. Read it carefully.

Preliminary activities – library set up (Autodesk Revit)

Create a new project or use some current one. To understand the workflows about this content, it is easier, if no other materials are defined in the current project (template). Of course, you can combine library materials with other materials you have defined, but for current demo purpose, all default or other materials are deleted (therefore we call it as an empty project file).

Run Autodesk Revit. Open a sample project.

Open up Material Browser: Manage > Settings > Materials.

Focus on lower part and load the installed library:

Point the installed location, select a file and it appears in the list of material libraries (in current case, both, Estonian and English libraries were loaded, although it is not recommended to use both at the same time, as they start to compete with each other in terms of material search capabilities):

You can take a look to the library substructure (class/subclass in terms of material type/function):

You can click on some material and key parameters are shown:

Material parameters are divided onto 5 key tabs:

  • Identity – material name, description values, also note that “Comments” currently include the “Reaction to fire” class based on  EN 13501-1 (sometimes it refers to other standard).
  • Graphics, Appearance – material texture or representative color is used (usually screen-crabbed from the manufacturer website, therefore not 100% true color tone).
  • Physical – key physical parameters: density, available thickness options, with blocks also concrete compression – please note that those values are taken from manufacturer website that can change, therefore use with caution and always doublecheck.
  • Thermal – key thermal parameters: thermal conductivity, density (same as in physical tab) – please note that those values are taken from manufacturer website that can change, therefore use with caution and always doublecheck.

You can search specific material using Search box. Note that not all parameters are searchable. For example, if the material is in library and not in a project, less parameters/descriptions can be searched through).

Library in action

Please see the video series about the use of library from youtube videos:



About the selection of included materials

The library items are mainly sold in EU, or more specifically in the Nordics. Therefore some materials do have local names and no English version is available. Also note that so called global manufactures do produce materials under different names/parameters in different regions. Each material has the link to manufacturer website. By using that information, you can find more appropriate version or add missing materials to the list.

Which materials were added?

That is true, anyone can find loads of different materials or manufacturers and to include all of those was not a scope of this “project”. The selection was made based on the data that was available from the manufacturer website:

  • Material name
  • Material key physical parameters (thickness, density)
  • Material key thermal parameters (thermal conductivity)
  • Material URL

If these key values were missing, the material was not added.

Are you as a manufacturer interested that some material will be added in the future update?

Let’s discuss, but please ensure that those parameters are openly available from the manufacturer website and material has so called its own subpage, from where anybody can double-check the information and ensure its validity.